Just for Students

Essay contests

If you’ve learned what it takes to have the Heart of a Champion, why don’t you share it with the rest of us in the Heart of a Champion Foundation’s essay contest. At the end of each school year, essays will be judged, and the winner will receive a prize package from Heart of a Champion. (click here to download the essay guide or jump to the essay on this page)

Submit your essay to us at essay@heartofachampion.org or send a hard copy to the mailing address below:

Heart of a Champion Foundation
Essay Contest
PO Box 92790
Southlake, TX 76092

faith kid


Do you know a student, teacher, friend or family member that needs to be recognized for their positive example? If so, send an email to us that includes this person’s name, address, phone number, and what makes them so special.

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Check out our blog and let us know what you think!



COACH’S CORNER: Time to talk to the coach!

You are the journalist!

You are a reporter for the Heart of a Champion Gazette and your assignment is to get the scoop on the hottest story of the month.  You must find, in your family, the best story of Integrity. You know all there is to know about the subject and it is time to apply what you know in this interview. Based on what you have learned during this month, what questions will you ask of your subject?  Who will you approach? How will you write the story? The choice is yours. Pick the person. Choose the questions. Conduct the interview. Write the report. Use the outline below to help you write your story. Stories should be 500 words or less.



Story Title: _________________________________________



Person Interviewed:___________________________________

Relationship to Author:________________________________



Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

Question 4:


Email  your story to the Heart of a Champion Foundation at essay@heartofachampion.org   All stories will be entered into a national essay contest, as well as be considered for inclusion in a special Heart of a Champion book of student essays to be published.  Winners will be announced on the Heart of a Champion website.  GO FOR IT! Please submit your essay in a Word Document or PDF.